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This is great to calm down before sleep! Phytoembryotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that specifically incorporates plant embryological tissues (buds, young shoots, etc.) containing plant meristem cells undifferentiated, fast dividing cells which contain the plant•s genetic blueprint and material. These embryonic tissues are rich in beneficial phyto-chemicals including: growth factors and plant hormones, enzymes, nucleic acids, oligoelements, and phytonutrients such as polyphenols […]

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Dr Jess and Dr Renfer love this product as it only has 3 ingredient and works a unique way to provide grounded energy. Ener-gen is a remarkable tonic for fatigued individuals. It works on many different levels to help awaken the vital healing forces needed to properly respond to chronic conditions that have not responded to treatments due to an insufficient healing response. It works to counter senescence by stimulating noradrenalin, tonifes the glandular systems and acts as It works to counter senescence by stimulating noradrenalin, tonifes the glandular systems and acts as an adaptogenic. It aids the microflora to facilitate proper intestinal absorption of vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary for proper biochemical reactions. In addition, it is rich in nutrients essential for breaking down immunological chain reactions and to balance chronic inflammations that deplete the organism of vital energies.

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