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Hormones, PMS

This is a helpful add on while detoxing, especially for women! Hormones, including sex, cortisol and thyroid can sometimes go haywire when detoxing. PMS may be common but is not normal. Cycles can get temprorarily worse until we find the root cause, so here are some helpful supplements along the way! Thyroid issues can often be reversed and supporting healthy metabolism through herbs is a great way to acheive that goal.

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Vital Nutrients


Vitex, otherwise known as chaste tree berry, is a great potentiator of progesterone. Therefore it is recommended to raise progesterone for those who are low. It also helps with sleep.

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PMS Tonic

This is a helpful add on while detoxing, especially for women! If you have trouble absorbing, pick this hormone product, which is liquid. Hormones, including sex, cortisol and thyroid can sometimes go haywire when detoxing. PMS may be common but is not normal. Cycles can get temprorarily worse until we find the root cause, so here are some helpful supplements along the way! Thyroid issues can often be reversed and supporting healthy metabolism through herbs is a great way to acheive that goal.

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