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Talk 22: Carbon Monoxide The Root Cause of Disease

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Dr. Jessica Peatross

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Albert Donnay

Consulting toxicologist and environmental health engineer specializing in carbon monoxide poisoning for over 30 years.


In this riveting Talk episode, Dr. Jess is pleased to introduce Albert Donnay, consulting toxicologist, detoxicologist, and environmental health engineer, who has given her quite the education! Dr. Jess met Albert Donnay in a React-19 Zoom conference presenting to other doctors when Albert stopped her and informed her that she had the “telltale face” named by Edgar Allen Poe, which indicated occult carbon monoxide poisoning. Dr. Jess was immediately interested and began consulting with Albert to learn more about his dedicated niche. In the last few weeks, Dr. Jess has been introduced to a whole new world of exogenous and endogenous carbon monoxide production, which has wholly revolutionalized her life!

In this Talk, you’ll learn:

  1. What is carbon monoxide, and how does it work in the body?
  2. Where do we get carbon monoxide toxicity? What are the endogenous and exogenous sources?
  3. What practical and nonpharmacological solutions can work for CO poisoning?



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