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Unlocking the Mysteries of Young-Onset Dementia: Key Findings and Prevention Strategies from the Latest Research

Thursday, February 15th 2024 10:00am 2 min read
Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

Dementia predominantly affects individuals over the age of 65. However, young-onset dementia, which occurs in those under 65, is relatively rare. A recent study, published in JAMA Neurology in December 2023, has uncovered 15 factors that may increase the risk of young-onset dementia.

Let’s explore their findings and importantly, how you can lower your risk.

Are early dementia and young-onset dementia synonymous?

No. Early dementia is considered an initial stage of dementia, encompassing mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia. It can occur in individuals aged 50, 65, or even 88.

Young-onset dementia, however, is defined by the age at which the diagnosis is made. It is characterized by the onset of symptoms and diagnosis before the age of 65.

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