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Pituitary Adenoma Tumor with Elevated Prolactin

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  • 84 KB
  • September 1, 2021

Pituitary tumors come in all forms but adenomas are benign. We are unsure what the exact etiology is, but here are a few well-researched etiologies and holistic solutions.

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Parkinson’s Disease

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  • 83 KB
  • September 1, 2021

Parkinson’s disease can be a jarring and life-changing diagnosis for most people. Conventional medicine will tell you that they are unsure of etiology, and it must just be in your genes, but that is not entirely true!

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Covid-19 Protocol

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  • 81 KB
  • September 1, 2021

Dr. Jess was not sick at all when she came down with Covid and explains most of that to the prep work she does to keep herself healthy daily. Check out these invaluable tips and protocols to ward off the nastiest of viruses.

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Lyme Disease

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  • 83 KB
  • August 23, 2021

Lyme disease plagues more than 300,000 people per year which is more people than breast cancer! Lyme is beatable with the right recipe for your body! Learn how here!

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$20 off your first month

Identify & address the underlying causes of chronic health conditions