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Webinar 3: ADHD Medicine, How to Safely Come Off Without Feeling Like a Zombie?

Wednesday, January 6th 2021 8:00pm EST
Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

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My brain is foggy. I can’t think straight, recall names or be as funny as I want to be. I am tired all day and can’t seem to finish a task. Ritalin and Adderall seem to keep me awake and focused, but I wish I didn’t have to take it. Does this sound like you? If so, there is hope.

In this unique webinar, Dr. Jess will dive into the cost of taking an amphetamine compound plus the irony that many of these medications contain synthetic food dyes, which are now scientifically linked to adding to the cause of ADHD. Dr Jess believes the patients’ symptoms, but also believe there could potentially be other solutions for these people that may not have been previously explored. Synthetic medication is rarely the root cause of medicine. There is nothing wrong with having to take a stimulant if all other measures have been exhausted, but Adderall should be a last-ditch effort. The goal of this webinar will be to educate on alternatives for resolving mitochondrial, adrenal, and certain stealth pathogens lurking behind the root cause of ADHD.

Webinar learning objectives:

  1. Understand exactly why there is an overprescribing of ADHD/ADD medication
  2. Comprehend the reasons why your body feels it needs the medicine aka the root cause
  3. Master the gut-brain-hormone axis and how it contributes to mental disease
  4. Feel comfortable using practical solutions to safely come off medication



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