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Battling Mold, Mycotoxins, and Bacteria for Better Health

Thursday, June 2nd 2022 2:00pm 9 min read
Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

Most of us know very little about indoor air quality and contaminants. Mold growth and indoor contamination aren’t typical conversation topics. Many people don’t know that bleach should not be used to effectively eliminate mold, even though most people use bleach for that purpose.

To create a healthier environment, you need to remove bacteria, mold, and mycotoxins with appropriate methods.

Because of COVID-19, we are all more aware of keeping bacteria off surfaces to prevent illness and infection. But, what about mold?

Even when you remove the mold, the bacteria and mycotoxins can remain behind if the proper cleaning method isn’t used.

These harmful contaminants are especially difficult to remove and wipe away because they stick to the surface like super glue. If these particles are left behind, exposure continues, and any symptoms can persist. Knowing the how and why of removing bacteria, mold, and mycotoxins is so crucial.

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