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Vitamin D’s Crucial Role in Maintaining Health and Lowering Cancer Risk

Tuesday, July 18th 2023 10:00am 4 min read
Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

Vitamin D plays a vital role in maintaining healthy bones, strengthening immunity, preventing chronic illnesses, and reducing the risk of cancer. In this article, we explore the functions of vitamin D, recommended dosages, contraindications, and guidelines for supplementation based on information from peer-reviewed journals.

Functions of vitamin D

Enhancing the immune system:
Vitamin D aids in combating viral and bacterial infections, as well as regulating immune system diseases. A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine demonstrated that vitamin D insufficiency increases the likelihood of contracting illnesses like colds and the flu.

Preventing chronic diseases:
Research indicates that vitamin D deficiency is associated with various long-term illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Supplementing with vitamin D may reduce the risk of developing these chronic conditions.

Reducing cancer risk:
Studies have shown that vitamin D supplements can significantly reduce cancer mortality risk. In one study published in the Annals of Oncology, it was demonstrated that vitamin D supplementation decreases the risk of developing cancer. Another study published in PLoS One indicated that women with higher vitamin D levels had a lower risk of developing cancer.

Recommended dosages and guidelines

To promote bone health and decrease the likelihood of falls, the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) recommends that individuals aged 60 and above should take 800 to 1,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily. For individuals aged 70 and above, the IOF recommends a daily calcium intake of 1,200 milligrams, in addition to vitamin D supplementation.

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