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Understanding the Antidepressant Role of Magnesium

Monday, September 18th 2023 10:00am 5 min read
Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

The scientific evidence that backs the effectiveness of magnesium in treating major depression and other psychiatric illnesses, understanding how to test for magnesium deficiency, and determining the most effective forms and dosages of magnesium.

Depression, a serious mental health issue, arises from a complex interplay of biochemical, hormonal, immunological, and neurodegenerative factors. These factors collectively result in the pro-inflammatory state linked to depression. Depression is predicted to become one of the top three leading contributors to global disease burden. The current therapies for depression are based on an outdated serotonin theory of depression and have numerous harmful side effects. On top of that, antidepressants significantly increase the risk of death from any cause, and heart disease, making them a harmful choice for the general population. Therefore, it would be prudent to investigate whether magnesium (Mg) supplementation could alleviate depression symptoms since this crucial mineral is involved in the pathophysiology of this disorder.

Magnesium, termed as a miracle mineral, plays a crucial role in over three hundred enzymatic reactions. It is fundamentally involved in protein synthesis, cell growth and division, maintaining the electrolyte balance in our cells, and giving stability to our cell membranes. However, due to industrial agricultural practices and food processing, there has been soil erosion and depletion of magnesium content in our food.

Preliminary studies on animals suggested a potential role of magnesium in depression. Human studies confirmed this role as several of them revealed low serum magnesium levels in patients with mood disorders. It is well documented that dietary magnesium deficiency, combined with stress, can lead to neuropathologies and symptoms of psychiatric disorders.

Magnesium also proves to be effective in treating bipolar disorder, fibromyalgia, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and chronic fatigue syndrome. Different formulations of magnesium, including Magnesiocard, magnesium sulphate, and magnesium citrate have been shown to be as effective as traditional antidepressants in treating depressive symptoms in different patient populations. Therefore, magnesium may indeed be considered as a crucial element in the fight against depression and other psychiatric disorders.

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