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Melanoma-Skin Cancer

Melanoma is one of the more common skin cancers. Learn about root causes and prevention concepts to reduce your risk of skin cancer.

Melanoma is one of the more common skin cancers. Learn about root causes and prevention concepts to reduce your risk of skin cancer.

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How to Perform a Coffee Enema

Coffee Enema’s are a foundational practice to support drainage pathways and optimal wellness! This resource has step by step instructions and information so you feel empowered to incorporate this practice into your healing rituals and cleansing protocols.

Coffee Enema’s are a foundational practice to support drainage pathways and optimal wellness! This resource has step by step instructions and information so you feel empowered to incorporate this practice into your healing rituals and cleansing protocols.

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How to deal with a Chronic UTI

Managing chronic urinary tract infections can be difficult and majorly affect one’s quality of life. Learn about the differences in types of recurring UTIs, as well as root cause considerations and treatment options to consider to help this cycle end.

Managing chronic urinary tract infections can be difficult and majorly affect one’s quality of life. Learn about the differences in types of recurring UTIs, as well as root cause considerations and treatment options to consider to help this cycle end.

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Vibrant Laboratories Environmental Toxins Guide

Use this guide to read your Vibrant Labs Environmental Toxins test results. The toxic burden endured by the body encompasses the amount of toxic substances and metabolites that accumulate. Depending on the type of environmental chemical, some are rapidly broken down and metabolized quickly, while others are fat soluble, bioaccumulate in tissues and are poorly broken down. r

Use this guide to read your Vibrant Labs Environmental Toxins test results. The toxic burden endured by the body encompasses the amount of toxic substances and metabolites that accumulate. Depending on the type of environmental chemical, some are rapidly broken down and metabolized quickly, while others are fat soluble, bioaccumulate in tissues and are poorly broken down. r

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Vibrant Wellness: Leaky Gut Panel

The Intestinal Permeability panel available through Vibrant Wellness measures Zonulin levels and blood antibodies to three important biomarkers: Zonulin; Actin; LPS (lipopolysaccharide).

The Intestinal Permeability panel available through Vibrant Wellness measures Zonulin levels and blood antibodies to three important biomarkers: Zonulin; Actin; LPS (lipopolysaccharide).

Vibrant Wellness: Hormone Panel

Vibrant Wellness is pleased to present to you, ‘Salivary Hormones’, to help you make a healthy lifestyle, dietary, and treatment choices in consultation with your healthcare provider. It is intended to be used as a tool to encourage a general state of health and well-being.

Vibrant Wellness is pleased to present to you, ‘Salivary Hormones’, to help you make a healthy lifestyle, dietary, and treatment choices in consultation with your healthcare provider. It is intended to be used as a tool to encourage a general state of health and well-being.

Acrochordons (Skin Tags)

Acrochordons (Skin Tags) are a common benign skin growth associated with several whole body imbalances. Learn about root causes, how to prevent and removal options in this quickie.

Acrochordons (Skin Tags) are a common benign skin growth associated with several whole body imbalances. Learn about root causes, how to prevent and removal options in this quickie.

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Nutritional Recommendations for Balancing Female Hormones

Are you experiencing PCOS, endometriosis or other female hormone challenges? The first step in balancing hormones if often looking at our nutrition and optimizing the foods we eat. This quickie goes over some initial steps to take when seeking better hormone balance!

Are you experiencing PCOS, endometriosis or other female hormone challenges? The first step in balancing hormones if often looking at our nutrition and optimizing the foods we eat. This quickie goes over some initial steps to take when seeking better hormone balance!

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PANS or PANDAS are conditions that are characterized with drastic behavioral changes and health challenges in children. Learn about diagnosis, root cause and holistic solutions in this quickie!

PANS or PANDAS are conditions that are characterized with drastic behavioral changes and health challenges in children. Learn about diagnosis, root cause and holistic solutions in this quickie!

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Diagnostic Solutions: IgE Allergy Explorer

Evaluate Over 150 Foods and Inhalants. Allergy explorer tests common allergies inside and outside the home-mold, pollen, trees, pets, etc. For people with asthma, allergies, eczema, and itchy tongues.

Evaluate Over 150 Foods and Inhalants. Allergy explorer tests common allergies inside and outside the home-mold, pollen, trees, pets, etc. For people with asthma, allergies, eczema, and itchy tongues.

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RealTime Laboratories: Total Mycotoxin Panel

Checks for imbalances in COMT and MAOA, genetic SNPs that lean towards PTSD and anxiety as well as neurological dysfunction.

Checks for imbalances in COMT and MAOA, genetic SNPs that lean towards PTSD and anxiety as well as neurological dysfunction.

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DoctorsData: Neuro-Basic Panel (NT)

Checks for imbalances in COMT and MAOA, genetic SNPs that lean towards PTSD and anxiety as well as neurological dysfunction.

Checks for imbalances in COMT and MAOA, genetic SNPs that lean towards PTSD and anxiety as well as neurological dysfunction.

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DoctorsData: Cortisol Salivary Test

To test the nervous system. This panel is similar to the Adrenal Function Panel, but would be used in patients who do not require DHEA testing.

To test the nervous system. This panel is similar to the Adrenal Function Panel, but would be used in patients who do not require DHEA testing.

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Bartonella is a common stealth pathogen that is often associated with other vector-borne illnesses like Lyme Disease. Learn about this pathogen, symptoms, diagnosis and how to clear the infection in this quickie!

Bartonella is a common stealth pathogen that is often associated with other vector-borne illnesses like Lyme Disease. Learn about this pathogen, symptoms, diagnosis and how to clear the infection in this quickie!

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Pyoderma Gangrenosum

Pyoderma Gangrenosum is a skin condition which causes sufferers to develop large and painful ulcers on their body, usually the legs. Learn about root cause considerations and solutions in this quickie.

Pyoderma Gangrenosum is a skin condition which causes sufferers to develop large and painful ulcers on their body, usually the legs. Learn about root cause considerations and solutions in this quickie.

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