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Eye Twitch

Eye twitch can be annoying and range from anything like myasthenia gravis to parasites. Some rare twitching is often normal, but if it is continual or unrelenting, your body may be trying to tell you something so take heed!

Eye twitch can be annoying and range from anything like myasthenia gravis to parasites. Some rare twitching is often normal, but if it is continual or unrelenting, your body may be trying to tell you something so take heed!

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Types of Enemas

These enemas were shared by Dr. Steph Young and I could not agree more. You can and should sometimes tailor your enema’s to your body’s needs!

These enemas were shared by Dr. Steph Young and I could not agree more. You can and should sometimes tailor your enema’s to your body’s needs!

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Shingles, also known as reactivated chickenpox, or a herpes virus, is one of Dr. Jess’s fears as she had chickenpox as a child as well as suffered from cold sores, another herpes virus. These tips and educational points should help you to find relief and understand your body more!

Shingles, also known as reactivated chickenpox, or a herpes virus, is one of Dr. Jess’s fears as she had chickenpox as a child as well as suffered from cold sores, another herpes virus. These tips and educational points should help you to find relief and understand your body more!

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Ischemic Stroke

Ischemia means a lack of blood flow to a certain area in the body, therefore, ischemia can happen in the heart, in the form of a heart attack, or in the brain, in the form of a stroke. Be sure to review all the risk factors here.

Ischemia means a lack of blood flow to a certain area in the body, therefore, ischemia can happen in the heart, in the form of a heart attack, or in the brain, in the form of a stroke. Be sure to review all the risk factors here.

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Miscarriages are heartbreaking and taxing on everyone involved. Be sure to review all your options-not just the ones your primary care doc gives you. Start here!

Miscarriages are heartbreaking and taxing on everyone involved. Be sure to review all your options-not just the ones your primary care doc gives you. Start here!

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Group B Strep in Pregnancy

GBS can become an issue for women in pregnancy especially with the limited options given in mainstream medicine and at the hospital. Learn about how to correct this imbalance in this quickie.

GBS can become an issue for women in pregnancy especially with the limited options given in mainstream medicine and at the hospital. Learn about how to correct this imbalance in this quickie.

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Acute Pharyngitis – Sore Throat

Dr. Jess also suffered from Strep and sore throats as a child multiple times a year. She wishes she knew what she knows now! Refer back to this Quickie for when you feel that scratchiness in the throat return.

Dr. Jess also suffered from Strep and sore throats as a child multiple times a year. She wishes she knew what she knows now! Refer back to this Quickie for when you feel that scratchiness in the throat return.

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Hormonal Headaches

Hormonal headaches are a common symptom. The good news is that there are a number of options that can help you get to the bottom of it. Whether it be the gut, the liver, or too much estrogen, check out these solutions!

Hormonal headaches are a common symptom. The good news is that there are a number of options that can help you get to the bottom of it. Whether it be the gut, the liver, or too much estrogen, check out these solutions!

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Thrombocytopenia is a low platelet count, which can occur if the body is not making enough clotting factors, or platelets, OR it can occur if the body is destroying platelets that are already made. Check out this quickie which helps tease out what might happening.

Thrombocytopenia is a low platelet count, which can occur if the body is not making enough clotting factors, or platelets, OR it can occur if the body is destroying platelets that are already made. Check out this quickie which helps tease out what might happening.

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Hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar, can happen for so many reasons to so many different types of people. Learn about root causes and solutions in this resource!

Hypoglycemia, also known as low blood sugar, can happen for so many reasons to so many different types of people. Learn about root causes and solutions in this resource!

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Buffer Systems
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C-Reactive Protein Test (CRP)
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Four Reasons Why You Should Take a Liver Function Test
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Hemoglobin A1c Test – Blood Glucose Levels
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Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
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