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Dr. Tracy Southwick: Mind Body Spirit Release (MBSR) 15% Off

What Dr. Jess Loves:

Dr Jess herself has experienced Dr Tracy Southwick’s magic with MBS release and how it can help to make you aware you generational trauma, blockages, and unstick your life.

MBSR™ is great for those seeking to:

  • Reduce the effects of stress and stressful triggers on the mind and body.
  • Release limiting emotional baggage.
  • Enhance spiritual growth.
  • Create and foster healthier relationships.
  • Develop healthier boundaries.
  • Move beyond addictions.
  • Become aware of and more in control of what behaviors are driving actions.
  • Develop a deeper sense of love and self-forgiveness.
  • Experience more physical and emotional balance.
  • Enhance Cognitive Clarity and Speed

How does it work?

Each time you have a significant emotional event or trauma, your body produces a unique cocktail of hormones, neurotransmitters, and emotions that can be stored within the cells. Your body remembers this specific blend and can be prompted to again release that unique combination of chemicals and emotions when presented with a trigger. This can create a positive or a negative experience, much like the smell of the perfume of a loved one creates a warm feeling inside or, conversely, a barking dog causes sweating or shaking in someone who was previously attacked.

Most of these imprints are stored deep within the subconscious memories of the cells, so we are unaware that they are draining our energy and directing us to detrimental and limiting beliefs and behaviors. Often, we do not know what the original event was or make the connection with how we were feeling at that time. We just feel the impact and imbalance of the chemicals and emotions flooding our systems and our feelings and
behaviors suffer as a result.

We are all aware of the detrimental effect of long-term exposure to low-vibration emotions (anger, grief, resentment, loneliness) and stress hormones. Being able to identify and mitigate these negative cellular memories can be very helpful in our ability to move forward from the event and subsequent detrimental patterns and beliefs. This can be achieved whether we are consciously aware of them or not by reducing their impact on
our health and wellbeing and freeing up that space for higher vibration thoughts and feelings (connection, love, trust, hope, joy).​

Code: Discount code is only available for members



$20 off your first month

Identify & address the underlying causes of chronic health conditions