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Dr. Natalia Subirats, MD

What Dr. Jess Loves:

Consult with Dr. Jess’s Recommended Medical Doctor who just happens to be bilingual and fluent in Spanish. Dr. Natalia is not only Dr. Jess’s friend, but they are aligned in how they view the body and in how they feel they can help people. Dr. Natalia is skilled in hormones, chronic disease, estrogen dominance, infertility and more. You won’t regret booking an appointment!

Sí, habla español. I am a Family Medicine MD, I studied in Barcelona and when I finished university I worked in the emergency room for 3 years.

When I was studying I usually saw things that didn’t make sense to me, we were just treating symptoms and I knew that something was missing in the conventional medical system.

So I began studying, Naturopathic medicine, Neural therapy, Psiconeuroinmunology and started working as a Functional Doctor where I finally found my happy place.

My patients are my family, I work hard to make them feel better and I try to have a safe space for them to feel that they can fully trust me. Most things I prescribed I try myself first to know that they are useful and safe.

2019 was a great year for me, I accomplished some of my goals and I did a great trip to California where I met amazing people and colleagues including Dr. Jess!

These last 4 years were hard for me because of my endometriosis being really bad and painful, but I was able to decrease it more than 50% by integrating conventional and functional medicine until I avoided a big surgery and I can say I am finally living with no pain at all. I guess this illness made me more aware of how women suffer in silence, so I made a promise to myself that I would try to help women who are suffering because of this condition.

I recently got my Master’s Degree in Human Reproductive Techniques to be able to help women or couples who suffer from infertility, and help families to be able to have a healthy baby is one of the things that I love and enjoy the most!

I am dedicated to spreading to the world how we can improve our health and have a better life, a life where we can be happier and enjoy every single moment of it.

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$20 off your first month

Identify & address the underlying causes of chronic health conditions