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Products of the Month, April 2022

Thursday, April 14th 2022 1:54pm 6 min read
Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

Functional Testing That is Insightful, Accurate, and Accessible

Functional medicine uses a patient-centric approach rather than the disease-based focus of modern, western medicine. The practice considers the patient as a whole, not simply a set of symptoms.

This approach leads you to the root cause of your problem. And functional medicine uses advanced testing methods to pinpoint which of your systems or pathways are dysfunctional. From there, you and your health care provider can create a targeted roadmap to treat you more effectively.

Do you suffer from infections, toxins, stress, and/or a poor diet? Do you have deficiencies in areas like sleep, nutrition, movement, social connections, meaning, or purpose?

These are some of the top causes of dysfunctional pathways:

  • Toxins (elemental, synthetic, biological)
  • Intolerances and allergens (chemicals, dust, mold, pollen, food)
  • Microbes (yeast, bacteria, parasites, worms, etc.)
  • Poor diet (nutritional deficiencies, toxicity)
  • Stress (emotional or physical)

How do you help determine where your greatest needs are? Functional testing offers insights into what can be causing your symptoms before a diagnostic lab discovers a full-blown disease. It can point to where your body is malfunctioning, which enables you to correct patterns of ill-health.

In addition, high-quality functional testing helps your healthcare provider devise a genuinely personalized healthcare plan to restore optimal health.

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Identify & address the underlying causes of chronic health conditions