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Common Household Chemicals and Breast Cancer

Wednesday, October 19th 2022 10:00am 4 min read
Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

You have your favorite household products, which are typically safe. However, we are learning more about some chemicals that may be linked to breast cancer. Some of them are still used in household products.

Let’s take a deeper look and consider ways to limit your exposure.

Household products and links to breast cancer

Science has made tremendous progress in diagnosing and treating breast cancer in recent years. The death rates related to breast cancer have declined steadily for many decades due to prevention, earlier screening, and better treatment.

However, breast cancer is still the most common cancer in women after skin cancer. The risk factors are primarily hormonal, like starting menstruation early or going through menopause late (after 55) or having a family risk of the disease. Some factors can reduce the risk including exercise, earlier pregnancy, and longer breastfeeding.

Researchers are investigating other breast cancer risk factors, including chemicals used in household products. There are so many types of chemicals that we are exposed to and they can get into our bodies, especially our breasts. The breast is particularly sensitive, and many of these chemicals are endocrine disruptors, meaning that they can look and act a lot like the hormone estrogen, which is known to fuel the growth of some breast cancers.

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