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Addressing the Root Causes of High Cholesterol

Sunday, June 26th 2022 10:00am 7 min read
Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

Cholesterol has a bad reputation. The media is replete with advertisements for drugs that lower it, and the internet assails us continuously with misinformation about cholesterol and how to lower it.

It is true that high cholesterol can result in serious health problems. However, not all cholesterol is bad. We hold many misconceptions about the source of high cholesterol in the body. Conventional medicine acts reactively after cholesterol levels become problematic. However, itโ€™s crucial to examine what elevates cholesterol levels to unhealthy levels in the first place, and inflammation is among those causes.

In addition, functional medicine looks at the factors behind the inflammatory responses. The objective is to pinpoint the source or sources behind the high cholesterol aside from genetics or lifestyle factors. As you become educated on the topic, you will naturally begin making better choices regarding cholesterol levels and overall well-being.

The importance of cholesterol in the human body

Some types of cholesterol are essential for good health. Your body needs cholesterol to perform key functions like making hormones and building cells. Sterols are a type of fat your body needs for proper functioning. If your body cannot get the necessary cholesterol from food, the liver manufactures it.

Cholesterol performs several functions in the body, such as:

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