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7 Tips for Healthier Digestion

Monday, April 15th 2024 10:00am 3 min read
Dr. Jessica Peatross dr.jess.md @drjessmd

Hospitalist & top functional MD who gets to the root cause. Stealth infection & environmental toxicity keynote speaker.

The Disconnected Diet: How Our Hectic Lives Have Severed the Link to Healthy Eating

In the whirlwind of today’s grab-and-go culture, we’ve fundamentally severed the tie between our well-being and the foods we consume. A recent dialogue with a client illustrated this gap perfectly. He granted me permission to share his narrative without revealing his identity, hence we’ll refer to him as Bob. Bob’s life mirrors that of many, bustling with commitments. He’s a hard worker, a father to three active kids deeply engaged in their sporting lives, hardly ever missing a match. His dietary routine is a testament to his hectic lifestyle: breakfast is often skipped or consists of just a donut and coffee, lunch is usually fast food eaten on the go, afternoon snacks are from the vending machine, and dinner is typically a quick bite at the sports events. Bob suffers from a range of digestive issues including indigestion, acid reflux, bloating, and severe gallbladder attacks, which led to its removal. The core issue for Bob is his failure to see the direct impact of his dietary choices and eating habits on his health.

Bob’s story is a reflection of the broader societal rush through meal times, overlooking the fundamental purpose of eating – nourishment. Even when we choose our food mindfully, taking the time to actually sit down, eat, and enjoy it is equally crucial. Here are strategies to elevate your digestive wellness and maximize the nutritional benefit of your diet:

1. Nourishment Over Convenience

Food’s primary role is to supply our bodies with the essential nutrients for optimal functioning – a straightforward yet overlooked concept in our fast-moving world. Many eat out of necessity, habit, or emotional response rather than to nourish themselves, leading to suboptimal dietary choices and habits. Improving what you eat is the first step toward better digestive health. Natural, minimally processed foods are easier for your body to digest.

For individuals like Bob, finding time to prepare nutritious meals is challenging. However, making lifestyle adjustments to incorporate real, wholesome food is vital. Starting the day with a nutritious breakfast, choosing wholesome snacks, and selecting simpler, nutrient-dense foods for meals can significantly alter one’s health trajectory.

2. Cultivate Mealtime Tranquility

The relentless pace of modern life often means meals are rushed or overlooked entirely. Stressful or hurried eating can impede digestion. It’s crucial to find moments of calm for eating, treating it as a sacred ritual.

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