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Most uncontrollable cravings are due to three things

The highest version of YOU doesn’t crave anything outside of YOU. I see patients day in and day out. I can say confidently that the ones that have cravings-whether it be for inflammatory foods, alcohol, drugs or toxic lovers—can be narrowed down to nearly three causes.
The real you doesn’t want processed sugar, modified corn syrup & homogenized dairy. You know what does? SIBO & candida. One of the most sensitive questions for candida besides “did you have recent antibiotics,” is “do you have sugar cravings?” They feed & live off of their preferential food sources-simple carbs, sugar & even alcohol, which turns to sugar in the body & is full of processed fillers. The real you wants nutrient dense foods that don’t waste more than 40% of your energy expenditure to break down because the body only recognizes unprocessed food from the earth 🌍
I’ll never forget a morbidly obese patient that always got admitted to the hospital 🏥 where I used to work as a hospitalist. She was addicted to Karo syrup & used to drink it like water in the hospital bed! The nurses were so busy & fed up with her complaining that they just gave in. But this lady had a ton of emotional trauma from childhood & she buried her pain in the comfort of pinging her dopamine receptors with modified corn syrup filled with mercury. The highest version of her didn’t want Karo syrup, but her emotional wounds & insecurities did.
The other most common reason includes nutrient deficiencies. Pica is a medical term that describes someone who chews ice because they have an iron deficiency. Since most of our soil is stripped & many of us eat convenience foods devoid of any nutrient value, this is more common. Your body often doesn’t get the satiety signal until you eat the minerals or vitamins it needs. Continuing to eat white bread 🥖 may fill you up, but your cells still need B vitamins or vitamin C to run the Krebs cycle or detox estrogen. .
Bottom line? If you’ve not dealt with your childhood trauma, emptiness or stealth infections, you may continue to comfort yourself in ways that are not congruent to your highest health & self.

Copyright 2024 WellnessPlus by Dr. Jess MD. All rights reserved

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